As usual, Rick's crew provided quick and accurate help. Their supportive Wrecker co-workers were Johnny-on-the-spot when I got stuck out in Cleburne in front of Federal Land Bank. In minutes Chris arrived to pick up my car, stayed with me, sllowing me to sit in my car, until my ride came to take me on to my doctor's appointment for sciatica, and made it as easy as possible for me. Then Byrd and Nate responded within a short time with the diagnosis. Luckily I was sitting when I heard the cost. It was fair and reasonable, just unexpected. The fine mechanics got the work done well and in good time. Nate explained in detail upon the return of my vehicle, what the problems were and how to go online and fill out the and ACDelco info (which due to a few more emergencies, I've yet to do, but will this week), and again made the process as easy as possible for me. These young men are fine examples of the type that I refer my friends and my daughters and nieces to for they are always professional and go beyond the expected service. Thank you all so much. Ms. Goldring